About The Blog

Arthor Journer is my pen name.
"Arthor" comprises "art" + "Author" while "Journer" defines the journey that I was on and continue to travel.
In this blog is the emotional byproduct of this journey.

"Rites of Art" is the title because it is my "writes" of passage.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Dancing Clothes

The whisper of warmth from the south
Envelopes me as I hang out the washed clothes
Words escape out of the corners of my mouth
Watching them dance to the melody the wind wove
My silence only a sigh to embrace this chore
Pants and shirts glory in the fact that they are free
I must put on another load for there is much more
These menial tasks consume the core of me
The trees join in the dance providing the cymbal of leaves
Rivers current move to the gentle touch of air
The clouds sway in the waves the wind breathes
As the sweet scent of lilacs permeates the electric air

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