About The Blog

Arthor Journer is my pen name.
"Arthor" comprises "art" + "Author" while "Journer" defines the journey that I was on and continue to travel.
In this blog is the emotional byproduct of this journey.

"Rites of Art" is the title because it is my "writes" of passage.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Thoughts of You

Still mesmerized by the things that were said,

Soul still full from the fresh nutrients it was fed.

A star shining so bright in the sky a million more,

This one glimmered differently grace and beauty galore.

A flower so radiant and sweet fragrance that flew,

This melody that my mind gently danced to.

Fate that we met this time in this place,

Still I feel you know me though we are not face-to-face.

Still dazed by the uncanny similarities,

Mind still confused on how it seems I was talking to me.

A drop in a vast ocean so deep and so wide,

Yet a drop that caused tsunamis to interrupt the tide.

A butterfly so delicate and beautiful unlike any before,

With words and laughter that caused my soul to soar.

No combination my mind let you through my heart’s gate,

Perhaps the smile perhaps the thoughts of a soul mate

1 comment:

Byron D. said...

"Still mesmerized by the things that were said, Soul still full from the nutrients it was fed"
TALK TO EM POET!! I love these lines. That's pure poetry Bruh.
Love it. Byron D.