About The Blog

Arthor Journer is my pen name.
"Arthor" comprises "art" + "Author" while "Journer" defines the journey that I was on and continue to travel.
In this blog is the emotional byproduct of this journey.

"Rites of Art" is the title because it is my "writes" of passage.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Where Pastures Are Green

My heart has heard my soul has seen,

Far away in the distance where pastures are green.

Where the fresh fruit grows ripe and sweet,

Where clear rivers flow and ample fields of golden wheat.

That the path that my life is on,

Though admittedly take turns that at times are wrong.

Deep in my heart and swelling in my mind,

Greener pastures soon I will find.

Where peace and friends joyfully abound,

Where the atmosphere is full of a beautiful sound.

That is the land my soul desires to dwell,

In paradise instead of a living hell.

My heart has heard my soul has seen,

Just over the horizon where pastures are green.

Where a sweet scent permeates the air,

Where love fills the calm atmosphere.

The sun shines brightly and the rain is gentle,

Rainbows and butterflies make the sky beautiful.

My heart has heard my soul has seen,

Right here where pastures are green.

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