The depths of her love and her gentle care
The bond she has with her children from birth
No gift or treasure can ever compare
Her words that become engraved in her children’s mind
Start as only seeds planted in the fertile soil
But they take root so the right path they may find
As these trees mature and face both joy and turmoil
There is no way to measure a mother’s worth
No scale or ruler or number can calculate
There is no equal of her love here on earth
No riches or value can be given to compensate
Her touches that heal the wounds on the knee or elbow
Can also comfort the wounds on the spirit or the heart
They inspire and lift up those that are low
And encourage her children from the very start
There is no way to measure a mother’s worth
The attention that she shows the ones she raises
The abundant supply of affection and mirth
Is worthy of infinite gratitude and praises
Her wisdom is beyond what words can say
The limitless strength that she uses to protect
The love that she shares from day to day
Deserves much honor and respect
There is no way to measure a mother’s worth
The intensity of her love is both precious and rare
The bond she has with her children from birth
There is no equal of her indefinite worth anywhere
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