About The Blog

Arthor Journer is my pen name.
"Arthor" comprises "art" + "Author" while "Journer" defines the journey that I was on and continue to travel.
In this blog is the emotional byproduct of this journey.

"Rites of Art" is the title because it is my "writes" of passage.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

She Rescues Me

City lights cast a faint shadow on my clocks
But their illumination is emitted in vain
For my flowers reside deep inside this box
And are covered in a shroud of pain
The streets offer some console to my head
For they present a predestined path to roam
Floating on the things she did words she said
Telling my soul it has finally found its home
The dark clouds are lifted from my eyes
My wings are united my thoughts can flow
Her touch puts rainbows in my skies
And given my heart a peace it has come to know

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