About The Blog

Arthor Journer is my pen name.
"Arthor" comprises "art" + "Author" while "Journer" defines the journey that I was on and continue to travel.
In this blog is the emotional byproduct of this journey.

"Rites of Art" is the title because it is my "writes" of passage.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Consumed While We Consummate

This dark room that consumes our clothes
As if it were a ravenous beast
It foreshadows our doom as mounting pressure grows
And makes our sighs like they were yeast
The kisses that fed our aching souls constant as waves
The caresses as subtle as the night breeze
They feel the fire that loses control as our flesh becomes slaves
Bringing us servants to our trembling knees
Darkness envelopes us into a world of touch and sound
As if the streets did not exist
Our senses a pearl that has been pressured underground
To birth passions we cannot resist
The morning sun will come to slash and burn
Yet will refuse to sooth and warm
For our spirits still darkness will yearn
Although content to awaken wrapped in loving arms

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